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Winter at the Arctic TreeHouse Hotel in Rovaniemi

Finland, Lapland
Aurora borealis, Charm & Luxury, Stay
Cross country skiing, Dogsledding, Reindeer, Snowmobile, Snowshoes
2 nights

Hotel design and restaurant on the arctic circle

The hotel offers a unique blend of luxury comfort in the heart of the Arctic nature, local Sámi traditions, and modern Scandinavian design. In contrast to meticulously designed accommodations and cozy comfort, the panoramic views from the windows provide breathtaking scenes of the forest and the Arctic sky: the Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun can be admired from the comfort of your bed.

The exceptional restaurant serves culinary delights prepared in an elegant setting using Arctic ingredients.

Welcome to the Arctic Circle; unforgettable accommodation experiences await you!

Programme détaillé

Their Story

It all began with a childhood dream and a close relationship with nature. It’s not just accommodation; it’s an experience where you are surrounded by the Arctic nature throughout your stay. Carefully selected materials, unique design, and, above all, respect for the surrounding nature form the foundation of their concept.

And the flavors… The Rakas restaurant serves local specialties prepared with love.

Architecture and Design

Studio Puisto was entrusted with the architectural design of the hotel and was included in Wallpaper magazine’s list of architects in 2016. The hotel’s concept is strongly influenced by the sensitive nature of the Arctic, the enchanting world of SantaPark Arctic World, and the rich Lapland cultural heritage. Instead of constructing a large hotel building, the designers placed individual accommodation units on a natural steep hill, creating an ambiance that perfectly reflects the destination’s character and brings the Arctic nature closer to its guests.

In the Heart of the Forest

Innovative architecture and meticulously thought-out details provide guests with an unforgettable and extremely comfortable experience of spending the night in the heart of the forest. The north-facing wall is made of glass, serving as a panoramic window that offers spectacular views of the surrounding forest and the Arctic sky. The lighting in the hotel area has been designed to minimize artificial light pollution, ensuring an undisturbed view of the Northern Lights and other phenomena in the northern sky while providing enough light for safe movement in the area.

Warmth and Ambiance

The main building, housing the reception and restaurant, takes the shape of a five-branched snowflake. The entrance leads you directly to the grand reception, with an impressive fireplace as its centerpiece. The entire building is visible from the reception at a glance. Despite its spacious and open design, partitions, materials, and colors make the space warm and intimate.

Protecting the Sensitive Nature

Ecological sustainability plays a central role in the hotel. All buildings are made from Finnish wood, a material produced sustainably and renewable as a construction material. The green roof helps manage urban runoff and brings the building’s vegetative footprint back to the construction site. Wood on the interior surfaces of the suites creates a comfortable environment, maintains healthy indoor air, and provides pleasant acoustic qualities.


The accommodation units were constructed indoors, including the interior surfaces and fixed furniture, and lifted onto pillars directly from the truck. This method minimizes the impact on the fragile nature of the Arctic. Only the connections to the infrastructure network and the installation of the bay window were carried out on-site.


The cozy nest-like suites, the Arctic GlassHouses with their private saunas, and the luxurious ArcticScene executive suites are nestled in their own serene locations on a steep, wooded slope. What they all share is an enchanting ambiance and breathtaking views of the northern sky through panoramic windows.

Seven suites feature a kitchenette and can be connected to adjacent rooms to form a family suite.

The five Arctic GlassHouses have two bedrooms, comfortably accommodating up to six people. Each suite is equipped with its own fireplace, sauna, and kitchenette.

The luxurious ArcticScene executive suites all boast a separate living room and bedroom, along with a dedicated wellness space for a spa-like atmosphere.

The restaurant

Food with Love

The restaurant is named Rakas, which means beloved in Finnish, perfectly describing the understanding of what good food should be. The meals are rich in flavors from pure Nordic ingredients and a passion for meal quality. An extra touch is added by the incredibly stylish interior design.

Périodes de voyage

Départs du 01/12/2022 au 31/03/2023


À partir de 790€
Demander un devis

Informations sur les prix

Price per person in Euros
In Treehouse Suite (double or twin)


  • 2 nights in TreeHouse Suite
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi


Bon à savoir

Prices for other categories upon request (TreeHouse Kitchenette, Glass House, and ArcticScene)


Details and prices available upon request.

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