islande panorama glass lodges insolite vue interieure soleil de minuit nature isole voyage luxe o-nord

Stay at Panorama Glass Lodge

Lodge, Stay, Sustainibility, Unusual
Hot tub, Ride, Walking, Waterfall
1 night
Very easy

An absolutely unique and romantic getaway in Iceland where you can witness the Northern Lights and the midnight sun right from the comfort of your bed or your private spa.

Programme détaillé

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islande panorama glass lodges insolite vue interieure hiver aurores boreales nature isole voyage luxe o-nord islande panorama glass lodges insolite vue exterieure soleil de minuit nature isole voyage luxe o-nord

The Panorama Glass Lodge was the first in Iceland to offer the opportunity to sleep under a glass ceiling. It remains the most famous and popular glass accommodation you can book in Iceland, offering absolutely stunning views!

The most important aspect is providing an incredible, comfortable, and unforgettable experience with ample privacy in the spectacular Icelandic landscape. Therefore, the decision was made to build a few houses on a vast area rather than several houses on a small plot to avoid the feel of staying in a resort.

Despite being nestled in nature, guests can still enjoy luxury, high-quality standards, and extraordinary design.

The Lodge’s shape draws inspiration from Scandinavian houses, and the combination of wooden elements with steel and glass makes the Lodges truly unique. The interior is entirely bespoke and sustainable, emphasizing meticulous attention to detail. There’s a commitment to respecting nature by using materials that don’t harm the beautiful environment. The water comes directly from a nearby source, renowned for being the purest in the world. Additionally, sustainable electricity is used to heat the pools.

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Périodes de voyage

Départs du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2024


À partir de 325€
Demander un devis

Informations sur les prix


  • Night in a lodge with a large double bed for 2 people without breakfast
  • Private bathroom
  • Outdoor hot pool
  • Hammock
  • Terrace

Bon à savoir

4 lodges available in the South, 3 lodges available in the West.

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